I’ve covered talks on:
Resilience – we explore how to develop our capacity to respond to challenges and change in work and life.
Change – many people find change unsettling, and supporting them through organisational change is essential for the individual and the organisation to be their best.
Mental health – I candidly and openly share my past mental health journey and teach people key tools to proactively manage their mental well-being.
Wellness – This talk is an essential guide to staying well so you can bring your attention and focus to work.
Financial Wellness – Money is known to be one of life’s biggest stresses. In this talk/course, I help people improve the way they think about and, as a result, handle their finances.
Leadership – Creating an opportunity for people leaders to reflect and develop key skills and competencies essential for effective leadership.
Communication – Examines the core of what clear and confident communication looks and sounds like.
Inner Critic – Impostor syndrome, confidence and self-sabotage are all explored in this talk. Often delivered as a course, this is one of my most requested topics.
Inclusion and Diversity – Organisations bring me in to help them safely and kindly face into topics that many find intimidating.
Social mobility – No one should be limited by how they grew up. Social Mobility helps to empower people who are often overlooked by themselves and others but have great potential and a huge contribution to make in the workplace.
Tackling Toxic Behaviour – Faces into how we can deal with toxic behaviour from customers as well as colleagues head-on.
Disability / Enablement – Championing those with disabilities is one of my greatest passions, and I have had the privilege of doing this for many years through employee networks and affinity groups.
Neurodiversity – Calling on lived experience, I aim to de-mystify neurodiversity and help people see the world from the perspectives of those who may find “everyday” tasks a little harder and need adjustment and support in their role.
Working carers – I am supporting individuals with often huge caring responsibilities to feel fulfilled and supported at work and at home.
Working families – These talks are designed to support busy parents and guardians with tips and tools for balancing all that life demands from them.
LGBTQIA+ – Tailored content to help my fellow LGBTQIA+ find peace, acceptance and empowerment in who they are.
Men’s Mental Health – The landscape of men’s mental health is plaque. Now more than ever, we must lean into this often-overlooked topic and equip male colleagues with tools to succeed and tend to their mental and physical wellness.
Bespoke themes based on need – I have a wide range of experiences and interests from my own life career and academic path that feed into and fuel my work. So, if there is a topic or situation that your team or company needs support with, please contact me, and we can discuss your requirements. If I can’t help, I may know someone who can.