Helping you thrive at home and work with coaching sessions weekly, monthly or just when you feel you need them.
January 2nd
“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”
– Robin Williams
“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”
– Robin Williams
Hello my loves. I hope you slept well.
A friendly reminder: we have our first live call tonight at 8 pm. Just click this link, and I’ll see you there.
Are you a quitter?
We tend to think of quitting as a bad thing. But, there are times when we do need to quit things that are not helpful to us.
Quit being so negative
Quit catastrophising
Quit being so hard on yourself
Quit procrastinating
Quit putting yourself down
Quit letting others put you down
Quit habits that are bad for you
Quit making yourself small and holding yourself back
Quit struggling
Do you recognise yourself in any of the above?
Please have a think, and then, comment below and tell me what you are ready to quit.
Here is the link for our kickoff call 02/01/2025 –
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I can resonate with a number of the above comments. Quitting things that are bad for me is my focus, I have started journaling to help me identify these things. It is hard to identify the underlying things, for example I can overeat as a result of stress, but it’s what is causing the stress that I need to quit.
I am quitting the ‘all or nothing’ and perfectionist mindset. Doing something is better than doing nothing.
Fabulous! Perfectionism (as a recovering perfectionist, lol) is something I help people with a lot. It actually gets in the way of really enjoying life. Exploring the journey, making a mess and learning how to clear it up, innovation and creativity are all diminished by perfectionism.
Thank you for the examples Paul. ‘Quitting being so hard on myself’ is what really speaks to me.
Is like to focus more on the good/ positives, limit comparison and run my own race. I know this will be life changing.
You, Mrs, have so much going for you! So fabulous! Your job this year is to be unapologetically you and shine bright! xxx
I resonate with the first one ‘Quit being so negative’ as this is one of my resolutions for the new year. I want to focus on positivity and gratitude rather than the negative side of things.
Good for you love! The secret to gratitude is to feel the feeling of gratitude. That is what shifts your inner atmosphere and life gets awesome. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you need over this nect month. I am here to help your achieve your goals.
I resonate with ‘quit making myself small and holding myself back’ I want to sop feeling I am not good enough and believe in myself more
I’ve quit low self-esteem…I’ve worked hard to establish a more healthy mindset about myself.
I’ve quit relationships with friends who do not uplift me. People who diminish instead of cherish!
What I need to learn to quit is descending into negativity relating to past traumas..and ongoing challenges.
The key is to catch yourself when you start to descend, hover for a moment and take stock then open your wings and find ways to rise up xxx
The ‘quit making yourself small & holding yourself back’ really resonates – I want to step into my power more this year & let go of the ‘smallness’ that I think keeps me safe, when it really doesn’t! 🙌
Recovering perfectionist over here also. Getting a job done is good enough, that putting your heart, soul and remaining energy into something and then just burn out!
I’d like to approach things more simply this year, strip things back and stop making things harder for myself.
I’m also keen to improve the way I internally speak to myself and be less hard on myself, as I was to model this to my son!
On top of many that are noted above I’m quitting letting others have power over me!
Love this! xxx
I am going to quit comparing (negatively) myself to others; I will follow the horse’s advice and always remember “I matter, I am important and I am loved and I bring to this world things no-one else can”
Love this! x