January 3, 2025

January 3rd

“I dwell in possibility.”

– Emily Dickinson

January 3rd - Paul Scadding

Good morning, my loves. Happy Friday. I have a question…

What do you want to be more of?

Really have a good deep think about this. Often, life is not the way we want it because we get busy; doing. But, that doing often doesn’t align with what we really want or get us closer to the things we want. Do you want…

More confidence?

More prosperity?

More consistent in your wellness?

More resilient?

More positive?

More in control of your mind?

More opportunities?

These are just examples.

Please comment and let me know what you want more of and what’s in the way. 

(Also, is there a link between what you need to quit and what you want more of?)

8 responses to “January 3rd”

  1. Hannah says:

    More freedom to plan my own schedule.

  2. Chloe Varnfield says:

    More confidence, more resilience and more positivity in terms of FEELING.

    I feel that when I’m in a good place, doing on the things I need to function properly (wellness) I can be fairly confident, resilient and positive.

    Without (enough) wellness, when I’m burnt out, the confidence, resilience and positivity falls down and when I’m feeling low, my internal chatter is negative.

    This year, I’ll be working part time and I’ll have more support, so I can look after myself properly. Therefore can continue to fine tune my confidence and resilience.

    As I suspect I have ADHD, I suffer from something called ‘Emotional rejection sensitivity’ and at certain points of the month, I feel it quite intensely. Wellness reduces those symptoms, so needs to be a daily priority.

    • As you know I have ADHD also and know the “rejection dysphoria” all too well. I can put you in contact with the person that did my assessment (if I haven’t already) as it’s good to get it confirmed and have resources. xxx

  3. Dianne Cairns says:

    More resilience…
    I know only too well that life throws stuff your way, but I suppose I want a bit more gumption (to quote a well known movie) and a bit more belief in “I will overcome”…instead of going into freeze mode!

  4. Jo says:

    More bravery and organisation to get more enjoyment out of life in the moment

  5. Jan says:

    More confidence and belief in myself that I can move forward with my life

  6. Donna says:

    Like Jan I would like more confidence and self belief, I’ve got myself this far in life so why can’t I belive in myself more?!

  7. Sharon says:

    More confidence, and consistency in my wellness

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