January 7, 2025

January 7th

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.

– Rumi

***I love this quote, really have a think about this!***

January 7th - Paul Scadding

Many of you have commented on self-belief or having confidence in yourself. Here are some ideas that may help…

  • You are meant to be here. The universe does not make mistakes and knows exactly what she is doing. Life may not make sense to us at times, but we do not get to see the grand overall design of life or, as we call it, the universe.
  • You are worthy and deserving of all the good you desire and that life has to offer you because you exist.
  • You are allowed to take up space, and there is enough room for all of us.
  • You are allowed to be good at things and to shine
  • “They” (who are “they” anyway?) do not matter. Pay them no mind. Stop comparing, and you do you. Your life does not have to make sense to other people; especially as they are not paying for it. You are!
  • The universe is infinite possibility, so there is enough for everyone, and that, my love, includes you.
  • You have to make a choice to see yourself as a valuable part of life and that you deserve to be happy, healthy, and to prosper
  • Self-belief is a choice to support yourself and back yourself.
  • Choose to know that you have talents, skills, thoughts, ideas and experiences that are all blended together in this glorious being called you.
  • You will exhaust yourself trying to gain acceptance and approval from people who may not have the emotional intelligence to truly see you.
  • Do not out up with crap from anyone! Ever!!! Boundaries are a way of respecting yourself. If other people do not wish to respect your boundaries they are very welcome to bugger off. Lol.
  • In any new situation back yourself by thinking “I will figure this out!” I call this self-assurance but we also need to remember that we are allowed to ask for help.
  • Forgive all of your past selves for all the things you hold against yourself, and you will set yourself free. You did the best you could at the time with the awareness and resources you had then. When we know better we do better. So be kind to all those past selves as they got you to this point. From this point, knowing more than you did back then, think of what you can do now…

Let me know what you think of these ideas. If you have any questions, please do ask. 

And be sure to ponder the quote below…

9 responses to “January 7th”

  1. Sharon says:

    Really made me think about what I have learnt, how much I have changed and that I should recognise this. I particularly liked the setting boundaries, this is something I need to work on.

  2. Donna says:

    Screen shooting this so I can read it back at times of low feeling of self worth! Thank you Paul ❤️

  3. Sara Victoria Walker says:

    These words are ALL amazing; I find the “stop comparing” one of the most difficult to put into practice, although I know that “comparison is the thief of joy”; I’ve just realised that it is not the “they” that are the problem, (I don’t care about the opinions of those who “don’t have the emotional intelligence to truly see me”), but that it is ME that is the problem and, as you say, I “have to make a choice to see myself as a valuable part of life and that I deserve to be happy, healthy, and to prosper”. THAT will be my intention for 2025, thank you, Paul

  4. Dianne Cairns says:

    I like how you’ve put all of this.
    Boundaries are something my younger self didn’t know about.
    And even now family members don’t particularly like me setting them. They somehow see it as a threat.
    Or failing to consider them.
    I’ve had to push through that. I sometimes argue my point.
    But recently I realise if someone is trying to force my boundary down, I can simply take myself out of the room, take a breath, and decide if I need to leave.
    I think sometimes when faced with forceful people you can act differently without always be backed into a corner.
    I’ve often felt I’ve been put on the back foot, and have to defend myself.
    I’m trying different methods, as I find confrontation triggering.
    So I see this is adapting to allow me to cope. New approach depending on situation!!
    I think as well it’s good to say I will come back to you. Give yourself the option to take time on a given subject.
    In other words, I will decide if I agree, want to do this, or how best to approach the given topic.
    A lot of this is new. 😃

  5. Jo says:

    “You did the best you could at the time with the awareness and resources you had then.” – absolutely love this! I am going to remind myself of this every time I start getting hung up on past mistakes!! Thanks Paul 🙂

  6. Natalie lester says:

    Catching up a little … wanted to give this the time it deserved. All so valuable. Thank you Paul
    My Personal love ‘they, who are they anyway’ ?! 😉
    I agree , although it is very challenging, it’s a conscious decision to back yourself. My intention is to make this choice far more often, in future 🙌🏼

  7. Jan says:

    “Forgive all of your past selves for all the things you hold against yourself, and you will set yourself free“ I am learning to do this as like you say we do the best at the time with the resources we have. I am finally able to accept this and move forward without regrets

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