It was one of the best and most important decisions of my life

Now, I would love to tell you that it was all plain sailing from there on out, but as the very wise Dolly Parton once said, “You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust the sails.” It has absolutely not been plain sailing; that would be boring, but it has been the best ten years of my life so far. 

The week previous to the “you’re exceptional” slap-in-the-face conversation, starting on the day of my 30th birthday, I spent ten epic days training to be a coach and workshop leader, based on the work of Louise Hay; more on Louise another time. I trained with 44 people from all over the world, and they all celebrated my me-ness and told me to go and share that with the world. So that is what I have done. 

I became a coach because I wanted to serve people, be there when they needed someone, and help them find solutions to the things that were holding them back from actually enjoying life. You see, I have this driving passion that tells me that we are not put on this earth to be stressed, exhausted and struggling all the time. We can be happy, fulfilled, and relaxed and live with intention, meaning, and purpose. Life will always bring us difficulties, disappointments, setbacks and shocks because that’s life, but we can always control how we respond to what life brings us. Coaching is all about that; if you can think differently, you can live differently. When I started out, I thought, “If I can help just one person, then that’s good.” Little did I know what life had in store for me…

It blows my mind to think about all the things I have done, created and delivered in the past decade. I am not really someone who does five-year plans; I pay attention to what people need, I listen to feedback, I go where I’m invited, I give my all to everything I do, and I am guided by what feels right for me. I have made lots of mistakes along the way, but we need mistakes so we can learn from them and be better. To date, thousands upon thousands of people from all over the world have attended my talks, courses, retreats, and workshops, been coached by me and been part of my membership programme. Thank you all for being part of the story. 

To date, I’ve worked with some of the UK’s biggest brands, town councils, charities and businesses to help people think and feel better. I love all the parts of, I was going to say, my “job”, but “job” is never the right word; it’s my calling, my passion and my joy. If I had to choose one part of my work that I love the most, it’s spending time with people during one-to-one coaching, building trust and rapport, always listening, never judging, helping them get clarity, making a plan and supporting them to make things happen. Seeing people overcome their stuckness and thriving is the best feeling in the world, and I cannot wait to see what the next decade brings. 

I am so very grateful to all the people who have brought me into their businesses, trusted me to help them overcome huge stuff, visited my retreats year after year, and worked with me to improve their lives. I have been and am blessed to have the encouragement of wonderful mentors and talented friends who have helped me bring my ideas to life. 2014 was also the year I met my now husband; he is the best human I know, and nothing that I have done in the past ten years would’ve been possible without his unyielding encouragement and support. 

To celebrate the last ten years, I worked with a talented team of people to redesign my website and have re-launched my practice of blogging to share my thoughts and ideas with you. Some blog posts will be long, like this one; others will be short and snappy little snippets to help you spark inspiration and motivation. I am going to share with you top tips, places to go, products and books I love, and people who inspire me, as well as anything you want to know. So, please email me or connect on social media if there is content that you would like to see. Please explore this lovely new site and reach out if you need my help. 

Big Love, Be Well 

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