Helping you thrive at home and work with coaching sessions weekly, monthly or just when you feel you need them.
Hello, My Loves, and welcome to The January Booster 2025!
In this welcome post, I will give you essential details so you can get the most from this experience…
- A post will pop up every day at 6 am on this page. I suggest you bookmark the page so you can get back to it easily. Each post will have the date marked clearly, and they won’t disappear from the page. The posts are designed to be read daily, but if you miss one here or there, it’s not the end of the world, and you can refer back and catch up.
- Each post will have a picture – for loveliness, a quote – for pondering, and the main content for inspiration and motivation. The posts can only be seen by people in the January Booster.
- You can comment on the posts, and I highly recommend that you do so. You can comment on the quote, the content or anything else that feels important. Let’s get started; please comment below and tell me what you need from The January Booster.
- We have three live calls that will take place via Zoom on Thursday, 2nd January / Wednesday, 15th January and Friday, 31st January, all at 8 pm using this link – Recordings of the calls will be posted no later than 24 hours after the call ends. The calls will be 30-50 minutes long, and you can keep your camera off if you wish; it is lovely to see you, though. I never put people on the spot, and there is never pressure to participate other than optional answering of questions in the chat from time to time.
- We also have a WhatsApp group for updates or if you have questions. To join the WhatsApp group, either click the link below or scan the QR code. If you get stuck, send a message with your name to 07825371942 and ask me to add you.
This ought to be all you need for now, my loves, but if you have any questions, either pop them in the WhatsApp group or email me directly at
Here’s to a wonderful January 2025!
I turn 40 in September. My goal is to go into my 4th decade with a little less emotional baggage, some of which I have been carrying since my teens! I am hoping this January reset will give me some tips and tricks to use in the coming months to help me achieve my goal 😊
Hello Jo. Thank you for sharing. Helping people let go of emotional baggage and trauma is one of my greatest passions. Healing from the past is a lot easier than many people realise. It starts with intention. It’s a powerful intention to say “yeah I’m done with this stuff now” it will set you free in many wonderful ways. Thanks for letting me be part of your healing journey. I will do my very best to support your goals. Love Paul xxx
I have recently become an empty nester, and January has always been a difficult month due to the dark nights / mornings and bad weather. Looking forward to the daily updates to keep me motivated as I embark on the next stage of my life x
Hello Sharon, I truly hope we can make this a wonderful month for you. Lots of Love; Paul xxx
I’m hoping for reminders to keep my strength whilst juggling a lot of emotions. There are always lots of things happening that need an action or response so I need to keep focus. I also need to dig deep to make some changes in my life so need some positivity and motivation x
Hi Helen. Make sure you are gentle with yourself as you make changes and take excellent care of yourself. If you take care of yourself, you will feel well; this will mean you can make changes from a place of strength and not stress. Make space to think about the changes you need to make in your life. I have positivity in bucketloads, which I am always happy to share. xxx
Looking for positivity & inspiration heading into the new year – this year I really want to lean into how my life can be even better than I imagined, even if it doesn’t look how I thought it would. I want to let go of what’s no longer serving me so I can properly move forward, onwards & upwards, rather than being held back by the ‘stories’ I’ve been telling myself. X
I hear you, I get it and I will help in whatever way I can. xxx
January is often cold and dark but filled with promise. I want our time together to be a reminder of not throwing myself into life again, and to start the year in flow and rest.
Love this! I’ve been doing “Okay, it’s cold and dark out there – I can’t control that. But, I can control how much warmth and light I have in me and my home. And the warmth and light I share with other people!” xxx
I would like to change my feelings about turning 60 this year from negative resignation to positive excitement about entering a whole new phase of my life, and I am hoping to learn some self-belief tips from all the other lovely people in this group
I believe on of Louise Hay’s affirmations was “I am fabulous at every age” xxx
This year is the start of a new life for me and my family. I’d like to work through trauma, resentment and emotional baggage to reassure myself that I’m safe to let go and enjoy life. I’ve got all I’ve ever wanted, a family of my own and now a husband that is around. It’s time to start enjoying life!
Make today the day that you start enjoying it xxx